Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

Food Security: Australian Approach, by Alfajri

According to the article “Australian Aid: Approach to Food Security” released by Australian Government AusAID is mainly states the fact of the food insecurity in developing countries, particularly in Asia Pacific Region and how Australia assists these countries to overcome the problems. Australia believes that food problems can be solved by conducting self-reliance, not self-sufficiency approach.

An estimation by the The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) that 843 million people who live in transition and developing countries face famine problem. There are five million of children passed away each year as the effect of malnutrition and hunger, “20 million babies are born with low birth weight”, in the developing countries. Also, it was reported that half of the people who are world undernourished derive from farming communities which are smallholder owner, 20 percent live in landless rural area, 10 percent who depends their life on fishing, forest resources and herding. 20 percent rest are those who dwell in the city.

The vulnerable group, includes women, children under five, infirm, old and and the sick have become the target of hunger problems. The data showed that 70 percent of the total world undernourished are girls and women.

“When people do not have physical and economic access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food”, the food insecurity problems will be mounted. Once this condition happen, the conflict will follow to destabilise the social life. A lot of arm conflict occur in the area where the food supply is shorten.

Food safety is also crucial issue in food security because the contaminated food and water will cause health problems. If this issue is not solved in well organized manners, the chronic disease will be soared.

Australia as one of developed countries is willing to help the developing countries to release the food insecurity problems. That is why Australia offered food security approach which “based on self-reliance, not self-sufficiency”. This approach combines the important of domestic production and international trade. By conducting this approach into an effective policy, Australia endorse the developing countries “to increase the domestic production, strengthen the internal markets, support the infrastructure and undertake the domestic reform”. If this endorsement is succeed, the Australia has assisted these countries to achieve the international trade reform.

Supporting the implementation of policies and practices in developing countries is being done by Australia as well; as other main component of its’ approach. These policies include rural development promotion, sustainable agriculture, forestry and fishery production, and natural resource management. It also help to increase food safety, and export quality and increase women access to technology, natural resources, agricultural credit and information.

Research has the ultimate point and priority for Australia in delivering the aid. Australian Government through AusAID has helped Southern Philippines, Tonga, Samoa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea to manage the food security not only by research assistant but also improve the living standard, social capital, stewardship, enhance the income earning opportunities, increase the food sustainability and efficiency. The aid also has been given to Lao People’s of Democratic Republic, Samoa, Zambia, Bangladesh. In Zambia, Australia support to improve food diversification crops while in Bangladesh the aid is targeted to help “extremely poor women”. Through the experience, it was found that the aid which was given to women are much more effective and they can fulfill the need of children compare to men.

Samoa has been guided to fight against the leaf blight to boost the taro production. The taro production were destroyed by the leaf blight in 1993. In 2001, the Australia assistance program has been completed and the program also build the Regional Germplasm Centre which enable the inhabitant to select varieties of taro that resist against the leaf blight. Australia also helped ASEAN member countries to support the reference laboratory which is located in Thailand. Through this laboratory the ASEAN countries will be able to monitor the region’s viruses active, exchange information on outbreaks, diagnose the outbreaks, monitor the vaccination programs, provide training and conduct project.

In the conclusion, Australian Government through the AusAID, emphasizes that the “food security can be manage for long term if the management of natural resources conducted effectively”. This also means that self-reliance approach is needed, that is both strengthen of domestic management and international trade are recognised.

Source: www.ausaid.gov.au.

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